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The Beginning of Give Blue

by Pete Forhan March 27, 2017

We began Thin Blue Line USA with the mission of supporting the law enforcement community and providing the highest quality products on the market. The response from the country was incredibly positive, and gave us the means to donate $50,000 back to law enforcement community in 2016. We were truly blown away by the generosity and love we witnessed from law enforcement officers and supporters across the country. There is no community as strong, united, and selfless.

Near the end of 2016, we were devastated to learn that one of our local officers had been killed in the line of duty. Colin Rose, of Wayne State University, Michigan, passed away on November 23rd after sustaining a gunshot wound to the head while on duty. This heartbreaking loss reverberated through our staff at Thin Blue Line USA, and we knew we needed to find a way to honor the life and support the family of this young, brave officer.

We quickly launched a fundraiser on the website, calling on our supporters to make a small contribution. The response blew us away. An outpouring of messages and donations showed us the impact this man had on his community. We were honored to use the reach of our company to help spread awareness of the life of our fallen hero and donate 1,000 support bracelets to the family. Colin Rose inspired a shift within our company, a promise to give back to those who gave it all; a promise to Give Blue.

At the start of 2017, we began Give Blue, a campaign devoted to fulfilling three goals:

1). To support the family and memory of American Law Enforcement Officers killed in the line of duty

2.) To support the work of law enforcement non-profits through donations and partnerships

3.) To spread positive awareness of law enforcement

With these ideas set, we began new fundraisers for officers killed in the line of duty in 2017. So far, we are proud to announce we have raised over $70,000 to support the families, funds, and memories of fallen officers.

Colin Rose, Justin Terney, Steven Floyd, Keith Boyer, Curtis Bartlett, Yadira Arroyo, these are just some of the heroes that have given their life to protect their communities in 2017. At Thin Blue Line USA, along with the Give Blue campaign, we work every day to ensure these men and women are never forgotten.

If you are interested in joining the Give Blue Team and helping us with our mission, please click here.

Pete Forhan
Pete Forhan


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