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What Is the Meaning of the Thin Blue Line? (Video)

by Thin Blue Line USA January 23, 2018 20 Comments

The “Thin Blue Line” American flag represents law enforcement and is flown to show support for the men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect us. This flag is a sign for promoting compassion and support for our nation’s police officers.  

The phrase “The Thin Blue Line” is synonymous with “Police” and “Law Enforcement” and can be used interchangeably. It is the “Line” in “Line of Duty.” In visual terms, it is found in one of two variations. The first is a simple, centered blue line with black space above and below it. The second, as a single blue stripe on an otherwise black and white, American flag, located just below the stars.

In both versions, the black space above the blue line represents society, order and peace, while the black below, crime, anarchy, and chaos. The Thin Blue Line running between them, “law enforcement,” keeps crime from pervading into society. When placed in the context of a flag, there is an added element of patriotism and, as illustrated in the video above, the stars symbolize the law-abiding citizens who benefit from the sacrifice of our heroes on the line made to protect them. The Thin Blue Line Flag is flown as a matter of principle to show support for the thankless work that they do. Law enforcement often look on it as a reflection of courage and a tribute to those who have fallen in the line of duty.
Blue Line FlagBlue Line Flag

There is no better way to show your support for these thankless heroes than by putting your Thin Blue Line items on display. Thin Blue Line USA continues to uphold its commitment to giving back to our communities and we are proud to have donated over $1 Million to law enforcement, first responder, and local causes. We thank you very much for your support.

Thin Blue Line USA
Thin Blue Line USA


20 Responses


July 13, 2020

ABSOLUTELY!! I display my TBL Flag proudly from my home, in my garden, on my car, on my key ring, with my clothing (Thin Blue Line USA), my license plate, my windows in my home, and any other place that I may! I will NEVER take ANY of them down!! Having LEOs as my immediate Family and many as friends, I will forever have your six. ALL OF YOU-GOOD GUYS AND GALS. I saw this (💙🖤💙) today. It confused me-a little. As this (🖤💙🖤) is how it should be. Thank you for your true, dedicated, Service! Your dedication does not go unnoticed by me-NOT EVER! Stay strong and keep up the good fight during these difficult times. I Pray God sends each of you home every day/night. I also Pray that people come to their senses and realize how important you are. God Bless you. Stay safe. 🖤💙🖤

Richard Pfeiffer
Richard Pfeiffer

June 24, 2020

I love and support all the men and women in our Military, Police, Firefighters, First Responders and Medical professionals in Our Nation.

“In order for Evil to Triumph is for good men to do nothing”. ( Edmond Burke )

It saddens me to see Our Policemen hated on by soo many during this rioting. It also saddens me to see rioters are trying to destroy and erase History.

Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And He will Judge the Hearts of men. And Jesus said if you hate your brother in your heart, you have already committed Murder.

That’s all I have to say about that matter.

John 3:16


June 17, 2020

God Bless The Police !

Donny Trump
Donny Trump

June 15, 2020

Yeah I love the police. Ignore any wrongdoing cause at least some of them are doing the right thing. You know what they say, “It’s just a few bad apples, ignore them. There have got to be some good apples in here…somewhere.”

J . Staley
J . Staley

June 15, 2020

I beleive we should honor law enforcement.. If flying a flag is the way you do it great.
I was a deputy for 30 years and was proud of what I did. Patrol, School resource officer, academy instructor. I have dealt with all races and genders and found people who break the law comes in all races. I tried to always show respected to everyone encounter. This how i was raised and how i trained the deputies as a field training officer. Protect and serve is the oath i took and honor


June 05, 2020

Absolutely! Respect should be shown to those who sacrifice their lives to help others. And it’s true that all lives matter, but I’m not sure why that should erase the awareness that because a lot of blacks are seen as a threat due to the way they look and other misconceptions. The black lives matter movement is actually, ‘black lives matter, as well’ or ‘black lives matter, too’ to show that people are aware they are being subconsciously targeted. Sad to see people fighting over something so simple. Targeting just the police force to change doesn’t seem right. Every member of the community should change to see each other as equals and individuals. All lives matter and the first step in embracing this is to realize black lives and blue lives are being singled out and need to accept the problem and carry out solutions.
And I agree with adding the colors back into the flag. Officers are still members of the community. They grew up in them and they and their families still are.


May 24, 2020

I fly the thin blue line flag and the thin red line flag as a proud wife, aunt and friend of those who protect and serve us. It’s my way of saying thank you. I don’t feel or believe there is ill intent or malice on these flags as they are meant to honor. And yes, all lives truly matter, which is why these men and women serve. ❤️ 🇺🇸💙


May 23, 2020

THANK YOU to all the courageous men and women who protect us 24/7. I am proud to honor those who have given their lives for us in the line of duty. Thank you first responders!!
(We all have to block out the ignorant negativity.)


May 06, 2020

I have to say, ALL LIVES MATTER. And I have 2 brothers-in-law who are police officers and they are great men! Whether at work risking their lives for others or at home with their wives and children or at church thanking our Lord for his many blessings, and being alive another day, and praying for hardened hearts to soften and for so much hatred to stop; no matter where they are they are good men with amazing hearts and it makes me sick to see so much hatred for men like these! It’s worse that this site allows this! There are evil, bad people in every single profession of every single color. There are those that abuse their power in every profession of every color. That does not mean we hate every person in that profession. No. That is an awful way to live and it makes zero sense! I pray for your hatred to be removed and your judgement to stop. What an awful way to live. So angry and vulger and mean yet you judge others while those words of pure hatred are coming out of your mouth. “Do not judge me for the speck in my eye whilst you have a thorn sticking out of yours.” So all you people spewing hate live your daily lives with total kindness and love right? Take a good look at yourselves and your own lives and work everyday to be a better version of yourself. Instead of having so much anger over a symbol meant to honor our officers, use all that energy to do some good. Make someone smile, help someone, be kind and good, I promise it will make you feel better than your awful posts. Your hateful words do absolutely nothing but spread more hate. Who is that helping? Is that your intent? Because it doesn’t promote change. And yes ALL LIVES MATTER! Every single life & soul matters and if that makes you angry, maybe think about why. Why aren’t we allowed to say that every life matters? I will pray for all your anger and hatred to be removed and replaced with love and the want to do good and make posts that will put a smile on someone’s face. You will be much happier with yourself if you do. I pray you never need the help of a police officer, and if you do I know they will help you regardless of how much you hate them even though you don’t even know them. Peace, love and blessings to all.


October 06, 2019

Its not just the LEO flag though. The Fire Dept and Sheriffs Office also has their own flag. FD has a red stripe while the sheriff’s office has a green stripe. Furthermore, there are plenty of people out there disrespecting our flag by the way it is displayed. There are people out there wearing items such as shirts/ties even underwear! There are also napkins, table cloths. Plenty more items that bear the US American flag that could be considered as inappropriate. Look at all of items sold on the 4th of July.


August 07, 2019

Wow, lots of negativity. Typical people of today taking something positive, Digging to find something negative, then overthinking and blowing it way out of proportion. Its a tribute to Law enforcment quit going to extremes and making it a bigger deal than it needs to be. If you support law enforcement and like the design of the flag to pridefully show it, then buy and fly it, if you like the more traditional National Ensign, than fly that. Its simple. Quit bickering like 4yr olds. Also I serve currently in the Military on Active. Support your interest, but dont chop others down for a difference in preferences, especially if it is a symbol intended to show gratitude and respect, whether your first responder, a veteran, currently serving, not serving etc.

Michael Hulsey
Michael Hulsey

July 04, 2019

I fly the Thin Blue Flag.
My great grandfather was a Sheriff in Texas and died in a gun fight while making an arrest. My brother was a Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff and was injured in an altercation after a pursuit, he was a Vietnam Marine veteran and was retired after the altercation. He lost all nerve functions on the left side of his body. My oldest son was a Sacramento County Sheriff and he was injured while kicking the door of a young girl with a gun who committed suicide. He was retired and has had two back operations. He is an Army Veteran.
My youngest son just finished 5 years undercover as a federal narcotics officer, he was just promoted to Sgt. and is now back in patrol. In 6 months he goes back to UC.
I was a Los Angeles Policeman who was injured during one of our many riots, I still have bullet fragments in both legs. I am also an Army Veteran and worked as a Cold Case Detective in Oregon.
I think I have the right to fly the Thin Blue Line Flag.

Susan McCall
Susan McCall

June 09, 2019

Can you flag the thin blue line flag on the same flag post, with the USA flag?


May 24, 2019

I display this flag and the american flag in the back of my truck always I have had many run ins with the law especially when I wad younger but always showed them plenty of respect as they did to me in return.

Karen Reed
Karen Reed

May 20, 2019

Proud to display the Thin Blue Line Flag in my garden 24/7 in heartfelt thanks for all the courageous men & women who protect us 24/7 And in Honor of those who have given their lives for us in the line of duty!!! THANK YOU & GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!

Marie Leeds
Marie Leeds

May 10, 2019

A big thank to the company and the quick response to my concerns for taking of the negative comments regarding our men and women in uniform.
You are greatly appreciated. I will proudly fly my flag during National Police Week!


May 09, 2019

I just bought the flag for National Police Week and wanted to know more about what it represents. I can not believe some of these negative comments. The derogatory comment and about the gang symbol,?? Wow, just Wow!
I pray you never need these men and women.
So serve and protect yourself!!
Men and women in blue I greatly appreciate you, and many sacrifices have been made in the line of duty to protect our citizens.

Thomas henningsen
Thomas henningsen

March 24, 2019

I think you’re doing a great job all of your officers are awesome everyday you put your life out there to serve and protect God bless you all and thank you.

Dan Balcik
Dan Balcik

February 21, 2019

I appreciate my Daughter in Law Jodi a Mesa Police Dept detective!

Donald Anderson
Donald Anderson

February 03, 2018

I walk the Blue line.

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