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Remembering Trooper Timothy O'Neill | Give Blue | $4,981.84 Donated

by Kelleigh Lamb October 17, 2017

Trooper Timothy O’Neill was killed in an on-duty motorcycle crash on September 20, 2017. He served with the Michigan State Police for three years. The tragedy occurred just two weeks before his wedding date.

Trooper O'Neill was only 28 years old. He is survived by his mother, father, brother, sister and fiancee.

Gov. Rick Snyder said O’Neill “gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to all Michiganders and will be deeply missed.” -The Detroit News

Give BLue

Our Give Blue fundraiser began shortly after hearing of the loss of this hero. The fundraiser swept across Michigan; inspiring beautiful testimonials and numerous contributions.

A total donation of $4,981.84 was made to the Michigan State Police Troopers Association. We send our deepest thanks to everyone that participated and continues to wear their Thin Blue Line Bracelet in honor of our fallen hero. These donations will continue the dedicated service that Timothy exhibited.

God bless you, Timothy O’Neill. May you rest in peace.

Kelleigh Lamb
Kelleigh Lamb


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