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Remembering Police Officer Charles Irvine, Jr. | Give Blue | $5,206.69 Donated

by Kelleigh Lamb July 26, 2018

Police Officer Charles G. Irvine died in a single-vehicle accident while pursuing another vehicle on June 7, 2018.

Officer Irvine was just 23 years old and is survived by his fiancee, mother, brother, and grandparents. He served with the Milwaukee Police Department as an officer for two years. He previously served the department as a Police Aide.

We started our Give Blue Fundraiser to honor this fallen hero. We send our deepest thanks to everyone that took part and continues to wear their Thin Blue Line Bracelet in honor of Officer Irvine.

"He passed under my watch," said Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales. "Chuckie is sending a powerful message to us and he will never be forgotten. I will never forget you." - FOX6 NEWS

A total donation of $5,206.69 was made to the Covenant Lutheran Church, as directed by the immediate family.

God bless you, Charles Irvine. May you rest in peace.

Kelleigh Lamb
Kelleigh Lamb


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